Conditional Skewness in Asset Pricing Tests
By Campbell Harvey and Akhtar Siddique
The single factor CAPM has been proven not to be a reliable tool in
predicting stock returns. Because of
this, some have created factors to help explain more of the variation in stock
returns such as the SMB and HML factors created by Fama and French. Harvey and
Siddique examine the linkage between the empirical evidence on these additional
factors and systematic coskewness. Since there is considerable evidence that
returns cannot b e adequately characterized by mean and variance alone, this
leads to the inclusion of the next moment – skewness. The hypothesis is that investors will attempt
to avoid stocks that are left-skewed due to risk aversion, and these stocks
should command higher expected returns as a result.
To illustrate the relationship
between skewness and expected returns, Figure 1 shows the trade-offs between
mean, variance, and skewness. Panel B
includes the risk-free rate. Any points that are tangent to the risk-free plane
are considered efficient portfolios. The
figure shows that expected return should increase as variance and skewness
increase. Also, the portfolios that are
tangent to the risk-free plane are when skewness and variance are the highest.
The formula
for finding the coskewness beta is
Using these betas, Harvey and Siddique create three portfolios. The 30 percent of stocks with the most
negative coskewness fall in the S- portfolio.
The 30 percent of stocks with the most positive coskewness fall in the
S+ portfolio. Based on the hypothesis
and figure 1, the S- portfolio should have higher expected returns. They find
the average annualized spread between the returns on S- and S+ portfolios is
3.60 percent from July 1963 to December 1993.
This result is statistically significant. They compute the coskewness for a risky asset
from its beta with the spread between the returns on the S- and S+ portfolios
and call this measure BSKS.
Using the summary stats in table 1, it is apparent that coskewness plays
a role in explaining the cross section of asset returns. Table 2 shows that conditional coskewness can
explain a significant part of the variation in returns even when factors based
on size and book/market like SMB and HML are added to the asset pricing
model. There is a significant correlation
between the pricing errors of these factor models and the S- portfolio.
Table 3 shows the R-squares of
several regressions. It first shows the R-squared of the traditional CAPM and
the 3-factor model. Then it incorporates
the S- portfolio and the SKS portfolio.
Both a cross-sectional regression (CSR) approach using rolling betas and
a full-information maximum likelihood (FIML) method using constant betas are
used. Overall, when the S- or SKS
portfolio are incorporated with the CAPM or 3-factor model, the R-squared
increases. This shows that including
coskewness in the model can help explain stock returns over and above what the 3-factor
model can.
They move on to show that the
relevance of the SMB and HML factors appears to be dependent on how old the
stock is. SMB is only significant for
stocks with less than 60 months of returns.
This could be an IPO effect, where factors other than market (like SMB
and HML) may be more useful in predicting the returns on firms with a short
return history. Skewness on the other
hand, remains significant across almost all return length groups.
In table 5, Harvey and Siddique show
the momentum factors is related to systematic skewness. They consider several different definitions
of momentum where they vary the horizon (36-2, 24-2, 12-2, 6-2, and 3-2 months)
and holding period (1, 3, 6, 12, 24, and 36 months). All the portfolios in table 5 show a clear
relation between average return and skewness.
The portfolios with the higher average returns also have the more
negative skewness.
Figure 3 shows the necessity of negative skewness to have higher mean
returns when using momentum strategies. The y-axis shows the mean annualized
return from the strategy while the length of the line on the x-axis shows the
difference in skewness between the winners and losers. The negative slope of each line indicates
that in a momentum-based trading strategy, buying the winner and selling the
loser requires acceptance of substantial negative skewness.
These findings support the
hypothesis that skewness helps explain variation in asset pricing and supports
the theory that having negative skewness should command higher abnormal returns
because investors will naturally avoid those assets because of risk
aversion. Overall, coskewness provides
us with some insight into why variables like size and book-to-market value are
important and that the momentum effect is related to systematic skewness. Harvey and Siddique concede that measurement
of ex ante skewness may be difficult due to data limitations.
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