Bad Beta, Good Beta
By: Campbell and Vuolteenaho
and Vuolteenaho (C and V) break down the CAPM model into separate betas to
hopefully find a new approach to asset pricing than the single beta CAPM. They break down betas into two categories,
one using news of the market’s future cash flows (CF) and the other reflecting
news about the market’s discount rate (DR).
Based on ICAPM theory, CF should be the beta with the higher price of
risk. As a metaphor, C and V compare the
good and bad beta to good and bad types of cholesterol, and say that not all
beta is bad just like not all cholesterol is bad. After breaking down the betas into these
categories, C and V find that small and value stocks have much higher CF beta
than large and growth stocks and explains why they have higher returns.
Merton (1973) suggests that the price of risk for DR beta should be equal to
the variance of the market return, while the price of risk for CF beta should be
multiplied by gamma to compensate an investor for their risk aversion. C and V build on this notion using a model
that follows Merton’s suggestion. Using
the two-beta model, they find that the two-beta model outperforms the standard
CAPM in the modern period from July 1963 to December 2001. This is due to the fact that growth stocks,
with low returns, have high betas, but they are mostly the good beta that comes
with low risk prices. On the contrary,
value stocks with higher average returns, have higher bad beta than growth
stocks. The single-beta CAPM adequately explained the data from the early
period (1929-1963) because during this time, they find that the ratio of good
to bad beta remains fairly constant.
In the lower left section of table
3 shows the correlation f shocks to individual state variables with the news
terms for CF and DR. reM
is log excess return, TY is the term yield spread, PE is the Price-earnings
ratio, and VS is the small-stock value spread.
Figure 1
shows market cash flows and market discount rate lined up with the occurrence
of recession (indicated by the dotted vertical line). In some cases, a recession occurs when CF
decreases (valuation recession). In
other cases, a recession occurs when DR increases (profitability
recession). There are also some that
occur as a result of both types (mixed recession). Combining this with table 3, you can see what
changes in state variables could do to CF and DR, and can in turn, do to the
market. For example, a valuation
recession is characterized by a declining PE ration, a steepening yield curve,
and larger declines in growth stocks than in value stocks.
Table 5
shows the level of CF beta and DR beta based on size of the company and their
measure from growth to value stocks. The
highest level of CF beta is recognized as you move to smaller value stocks. The highest level of DR beta is when you move
toward small growth stocks.
This is the equation used to find
the results in table 7. Expected returns
are on the left side of the equation. Variance of the beta for Cash Flows and
Discount rate are shown on the right, with gamma in front of the Cash flow beta
term. This is due to Merton’s suggestion
mentioned above.
Table 7 shows the differences in
beta premium between cash flows and discount-rate and follows the overall
results talked about above.

Based on
these results, C and V conclude that value stocks and small stocks have higher
cash-flow betas than growth stocks and large stocks, and this can explain their
higher average returns. The post-1963
negative CAPM alphas of growth stocks are explained by the fact that their
betas are mostly of the good variety.
This model also explains why CAPM betas induced very little spread in
the post-1963 period. It is because the
CAPM beta sort induces a post-ranking spread only in the good discount-rate
beta, which carries the low premium (because it is the good beta). For investors, C and V say these results show
that risk-averse long-term investors who hold only equities should view the
high average returns on value and small stocks as appropriate compensation for
risk. Lower risk-averse investors should
overweight these stocks while investors with higher risk aversion should
underweight them.
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